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the computer is a domain controller. Expand Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment. The policy is called Log On Locally on a Windows XP system and Allow Log On Locally on a Windows Server 2003 system. It is also possible that a GPO has configured the right to log on locally. The analysis of GPO application using Resultant Set of Policies (RSoP) is beyond the scope of this book, so consult the Windows Help And Support Center to learn how to use RSoP to identify which GPO you must modify to enable the user to log on locally.

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You can configure a user account to permit or deny logon during a particular time period using the Logon Hours button on the user s Account properties page, shown in Figure 3-4. If a user attempts to log on to a system when logon is denied, the user receives an error message, as shown in Figure 3-13. The user will not be able to log on to a computer during denied hours.

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20 Jul 2018 ... In this post, we will learn about how to open PDF or other files in a new tab using C#. For this example, first we need to return a file from MVC  ...

Creating Groups with Dsadd 4-19 Retrieving Group Attributes with Dsget 4-20 Finding the Domain Groups to Which a User Belongs 4-20 Modifying Groups with Dsmod 4-21 Moving and Renaming Groups with Dsmove 4-22 Deleting Groups with Dsrm 4-22 Using VBScript to Automate Group Administration 4-23 Practice: Using Ldifde to Manage Group Accounts 4-23 Lesson Review 4-25 Lesson Summary 4-25 Case Scenario Exercise 4-25 Troubleshooting Lab 4-26 Summary 4-26 Exam Highlights 4-27 Key Points 4-27 Key Terms 4-27 Questions and Answers 4-28.

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Figure 3-13

If the user is already logged on to a system when his or her logon hours expire, the user is not forced off the system. There is no capability native to Windows operating systems to force a user to log off a system to which the user is logged on. However, it is possible, using security policies, to disconnect a user from network resources when the user s logon hours expire. The result of this configuration is that, when logon hours expire, the user can no longer access resources on member servers or workstations in the domain but is able to continue working on the local system. To forcibly disconnect a user from network resources, enable the policy setting: Network Security: Force Logoff When Logon Hours Expire. This policy setting is found in the Local Policies \ Security Options node of a GPO. It is recommended to configure this policy in a GPO with domain-wide scope, such as the Default Domain Policy GPO, which you can open using the Domain Security Policy MMC console in the Administrative Tools folder.

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