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Search Text in PDF in C# - PDF Search Engine SDK - iDiTect
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iDiTect provides PDF text search functionality, it allows developers to search a pdf file to see if a certain string is present using C# language in Window Forms, ...
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Search text in PDF using C# - MSDN - Microsoft
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I need to find a given string / text in PDF file. I am not supposed to use any third party library so are there any classes in .net framework base ...
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dictionary] is equivalent to [[NSDictionary alloc] init] only when using garbage collection. In a traditional managed memory environment, these two are quite different. The former returns an autoreleased object while the latter returns a retained object. See 9 (on garbage collection) and 24 (on memory management) for a complete explanation.

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How to programmatically search a PDF document in c# - Stack Overflow
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Pdf library to search for text in PDF files. Here is a sample code: static void searchForText( string path, string text ) { using (PdfDocument pdf  ...
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Going beyond the graphics, the packaging is subtly different for all three models. The size remains the same. At 17.5 inches tall, 13.5 inches wide, and 10.5 inches deep, the box is large. You have absolutely zero chance of remaining incognito when buying a Robosapien. My wife was very embarrassed when I bought my first Robosapien at a Fry s. Newer models feature a handy carrying handle, ostensibly to help you get your Robosapien up to the cash register. Neither my original Robosapien nor the Sharper Image model features the carrying handle.

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C# PDF Text Search Library - RasterEdge.com
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C# Guide about How to Search Text in PDF Document and Obtain Text ... NET WinForms application and ASP.NET for searching adobe PDF text in C# class.
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Please find my code and I want to move the pointer that section of the pdf file by searching the text on a pdf . I can give the pagenumber and ...
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Convenience constructors are often included to construct objects that would otherwise be awkward to create. For example, the NSString class provides the +(NSString*)pathWithComponents:(NSArray*)components convenience constructor. It takes an array of path components, assembles them into an absolute POSIX path, and returns the result as a single immutable string. Trying to accomplish this using alloc and class init methods would require creating a mutable string buffer, appending all of the components in a loop, then converting the temporary string buffer into an immutable string object. Clearly, the single statement [NSString pathWithComponents:array] is significantly more compact.

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How to search in PDF and extract the found text using PDF Extractor ...
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Use the sample source code below to search for a specific text in a PDF document and extract the found results with the ByteScout PDF Extractor SDK in C# .

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c# - Searching through various PDF files - Code Review Stack Exchange
In your ReadPdfFile method, a PdfReader is created to read through every page of the document to find the searchText and the page numbers ...

Like Java, Objective-C objects can optionally override their -(void)finalize method. This message is sent to objects before being destroyed by the garbage collector. Every finalize method must send a finalize message to its superclass immediately before returning. An example -finalize method is shown in Listing 3-20. Note that finalize methods should be used only for exceptional cleanup and to provide robustness. A well-written program would not rely on the finalize method to close a file; it should have closed the file before allowing this object to become collectable. The finalize code simply protects against the possibility of leaking the resource in unusual circumstances, for example, if the file was left open following a program exception.

Figure 8-7. This LOOP block will allow you to stop the high-speed bot with your voice. In Figure 8-7, I ve configured the LOOP block to use the Sound Sensor. I set the threshold to 90 (I ll probably have to yell) so the LOOP will end when the Sound Sensor is triggered. Now you need to place the MOVE block so the motors will run at high speed (see Figure 8-8).

Figure 4-3. The carrying handle on the new packaging helps you get your Robosapien to the cash register.

NSDictionary, NSMutableDictionary.............................................................. 298 NSMapTable...................................................................................................... 298 Set Collections....................................................................................................... 299 Common Methods ............................................................................................ 299 NSSet, NSMutableSet ....................................................................................... 300 NSCountedSet ................................................................................................... 301 NSIndexSet ........................................................................................................ 301 NSHashTable .................................................................................................... 302 Composite Pattern ................................................................................................ 303 Collection Equality Contracts .............................................................................. 303 Comparing Collections......................................................................................... 305 Iterator Pattern...................................................................................................... 306 Using Fast Enumeration................................................................................... 306 Using Enumerators ........................................................................................... 307 Addressing Collection Objects ......................................................................... 308 Adding Enumeration Support.......................................................................... 309 Sorting Collections................................................................................................ 310 Objective-C Message Sorting ........................................................................... 311 C Function Sorting ............................................................................................ 311 Sort Descriptors ................................................................................................ 312 Filtering Collections ............................................................................................. 312 Collection Concurrency ....................................................................................... 313 Enumerate a Copy of the Collection ............................................................... 313 Defer Changes to the Collection ...................................................................... 313 Thread Safety .................................................................................................... 314 Garbage Collection and Weak Collections...................................................... 314 Summary ............................................................................................................... 314 17: Delegation Pattern ............................................................................. 315 Understanding Delegates ..................................................................................... 315 Using Delegates .................................................................................................... 318 Delegate Methods ................................................................................................. 319 Delegate Protocols ................................................................................................ 320 Incorporating the Delegation Pattern ................................................................. 323 Summary ............................................................................................................... 323 18: Provider/Subscriber Pattern ............................................................. 325 Notifications .......................................................................................................... 325

how to search text in pdf using c#

search text in PDF - Tallcomponents
3 Nov 2011 ... This article shows how to search a PDF for text in C# using the Document.Find method and the TextFindCriteria and TextMatchEnumerator ...

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Search for a text in a pdf file and return the coordinates if the text exist
//Open PDF document using (var doc = PdfDocument. ... Text . Find (" text for search ", FindFlags.MatchWholeWord, 0); if (found == null) return; ...

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